Sunday, February 24, 2013

More Fiction

     As we start to wrap up our discussion in class about fiction I believe that I am finally starting to get a grip on what fiction writing is about. When we first started to discuss the first fiction packet I was confused as to how short the stories were. I almost felt as it was just poetry. I now understand what separates these stories apart from poetry. These stories have actual characters in them. There can be just one character or multiple characters, but there is at least one. These characters are what the story revolves around. They create the meaning of the story. In poetry there didn't have to be a charter. It had to just be writing that made you feel something.
     I believe that out of all the readings I had to read about fiction writing my favorite had to be Lamlott Polaroids. This wasn't a fiction story, but was a how to write good fiction. The way that Lamlott wrote out this information made if fun to read, but also taught me a lot which I believe will help me when writing my fiction stories for class. The number one thing I learned from this reading that was you have to let bad things happen to good characters. I think that this hit me the most because when I am writing I really start to enjoy my characters so when it comes time for me to have something bad happen to one I lesson the degree of the "badness" because I don't want to hurt them to bad. This is taught me you have to let the bad things play out how they should in order for a good story to unfold.
    Another thing that I learned was you have to let the story come from the characters. The plot will grow from who the characters are. Their personalities and what they like to do will grow into a wonderful plot for your story and you can take it from there. This is just like with dialogue. Each character is very different because of this when each character is talking they will need to sound different. Just like in real life how you talk is different from how your mom talks or your best friends. There might be some similarities, but over all your personality shines through.  Applying these new things that this reading has taught me I believe my fiction writings with be much stronger now then they would have before.

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