Over the course of this semester I have read a lot of different kinds of writing starting with poetry pieces and now ending with these essays. I have to admit that i have found myself enjoying reading these essays the most. I think I liked to read the essays because I found myself being able to relate to many of the authors stories. The stories they tell are real and you almost feel like you are getting a glimpse into their life. You have no idea who they are in real life, but reading their pieces for a moment of time they are welcoming you into their memories. I just think that concept is cool and it makes me enjoy reading them all the more.
The essay titled Crumbling Expectations by Zach Savich was an interesting essay to read. I really liked that the essay was based in Michigan since that is where I have grown up all my life. When they talk about Lake Michigan I can remember myself being there on vacations so I can relate and see these images in my head as he writes about them. I like how in the essay he actually seems to put himself in his dads book as a character and describes what is going on. I thought that was an interesting twist to this essay. I believe the structure of this essay made it a little harder to understand. It is all one big paragraph with no breaks of thoughts. I didn't know when one thought was beginning or one was ending. An example of this would be when he is talking about putting himself in the book and then the next line he is talking about how his grandpa died. It threw me off for a minute. If he would have used paragraphs I would have been able to see the different train of thoughts. Over all I really liked the essays stories.
The second essay titled Essay on the Sublimation of Dying by Kristin Prevallet had very strong elements of poetry in it to me. They flow of it and the way it was written toke me back to the poetry packets. I really like the structure of this essay. It was like every section was a different story about death. The author did an amazing job however of tying it all together. Every little meanie story tells a story that has to deal with viewing death by the sun and its countries or her killing something such as a horsefly with tape. When you get done reading it you have read many little stories, but also get a bigger story out of it all. This was my favorite essay out of the two I read from this packet.